A flaw exposed customers’ billing information of Digital Ocean a cloud based hosting provider.

An email sent out to affected customers by DigitalOcean states that a “flaw” allowed an unauthorized user to access customers’ billing details between April 9th, 2021, and April 22nd, 2021.

“An unauthorized user gained access to some of your billing account details through a flaw that has been fixed. This exposure impacted a small percentage of our customers,” reads the email sent to customers.

DigitalOcean data breach email

The email stated that the exposed information contains customers billing address, Name, Card Expiration and card’s last four digit, cards bank detail.

DigitalOcean states that they have fixed the flaw and disclosed the breach to data protection authorities. It is not known what authorities were notified.

Tyler Healy, VP Security at DigitalOcean, told TechCrunch that this flaw exposed only 1% of billing profiles

This was digital oceans second breach in a year.

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