Bakker Logistiek which is one of the largest logistic service in Netherlands suffered a massive ransomware attack causing a serious shortage of critical food supply across the supermarkets in Netherlands.

It suffered a ransomware attack that encrypted devices on their network and disrupted food transportation and fulfillment operations.

“We could no longer receive orders from customers,” Bakker director Toon Verhoeven told NOS. “And in our warehouses we no longer knew where products were. These are very large warehouses, you don’t just go looking for a pallet. We also couldn’t plan our transports anymore. We have hundreds of trucks, which was not done by hand either.”

This disruption led to a shortage of certain food products, especially cheese, at the Netherland’s largest supermarket chain, Albert Heijn.

“Due to a technical malfunction, there is limited availability on the prepackaged cheese. The logistics service provider works hard to solve the problem as quickly as possible and to quickly restore availability. We apologize for the inconvenience,” Abert Heijn posted on their website.

The threat actors gained access to the Bakker Logistiek systems through the recently reported Microsoft Exchange ProxyLogon vulnerabilities.

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